Organic Matter - A TerraSoil Overview

Aug 3, 2024
The Vital Role of Organic Matter in Fertile Soils
Understanding Organic Matter
Organic matter refers to the complex mixture of carbon-containing compounds derived from the decomposition of plant, animal, and microbial residues. It encompasses a diverse array of materials, including dead plant roots, crop residues, manure, compost, and soil organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms.
Formation of Organic Matter
Organic matter is formed through the biological and chemical breakdown of organic materials by soil microorganisms and macroorganisms. Processes such as decomposition, mineralization, and humification transform complex organic compounds into simpler substances, releasing nutrients and organic molecules that become part of the soil organic matter pool.
Organic Matter Examples
Organic Matter Type | Composition | Physical Characteristics | Origin | Macro/Micronutrient Profile (% by weight) | Micronutrient Profile (mg/kg) | Typical pH |
Humus | Decomposed plant and animal residues | Dark-colored, amorphous | Microbial decomposition | N: 1-5%, P: 0.2-0.5%, K: 0.5-1%, Ca: 2-4%, Mg: 0.5-1% | Fe: 500-800, Na: 200-300, Cu: 5-10, Se: 0.1-0.5, Si: 100-200 | 6-7 |
Plant Residues | Stems, leaves, roots, and crop residues | Variable texture, fibrous | Plant decomposition | N: 0.5-1.5%, P: 0.1-0.3%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 100-300, Na: 50-100, Cu: 2-5, Se: 0.1-0.3, Si: 50-100 | 6-7 |
Animal Manure | Animal excreta and bedding materials | Rich in nutrients, odoriferous | Animal metabolism | N: 0.5-2.5%, P: 0.2-0.8%, K: 0.5-2% | Fe: 1000-2000, Na: 500-1000, Cu: 10-30, Se: 0.5-2, Si: 200-300 | 7-8 |
Compost | Decomposed organic matter from plant and food waste | Nutrient-rich, crumbly | Controlled decomposition | N: 1-3%, P: 0.5-1%, K: 1-2%, Ca: 3-5%, Mg: 0.5-1% | Fe: 400-800, Na: 100-300, Cu: 5-15, Se: 0.2-1, Si: 100-200 | 6-8 |
Peat | Partially decomposed plant material | Brown to dark brown, fibrous, water-retentive | Accumulation in waterlogged environments | N: 1-3%, P: 0.1-0.3%, K: 0.1-0.3% | Fe: 100-300, Na: 50-100, Cu: 2-5, Se: 0.1-0.3, Si: 50-100 | 4-5 |
Biochar | Charred organic material (e.g., wood, crop waste) | Porous, charcoal-like, lightweight | Pyrolysis of organic material | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-100, Na: 10-50, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 20-50 | 7-9 |
Vermicompost | Decomposed organic matter processed by earthworms | Fine texture, nutrient-rich, dark-colored | Earthworm digestion and decomposition | N: 2-4%, P: 1-2%, K: 1-3%, Ca: 3-5%, Mg: 0.5-1% | Fe: 500-1000, Na: 100-300, Cu: 5-10, Se: 0.5-1, Si: 100-200 | 6-8 |
Green Manure | Freshly cut or uprooted green plants | Moist, fibrous, rapidly decomposing | Plant growth and incorporation into soil | N: 1-4%, P: 0.1-0.3%, K: 0.5-1% | Fe: 200-500, Na: 50-150, Cu: 2-5, Se: 0.1-0.3, Si: 50-150 | 6-7 |
Leaf Mold | Decayed leaves | Light, crumbly, dark brown | Fungal decomposition of leaf litter | N: 0.5-1.5%, P: 0.1-0.3%, K: 0.5-1% | Fe: 100-300, Na: 30-70, Cu: 2-4, Se: <0.1, Si: 50-100 | 5-6 |
Mulch | Organic materials like straw, wood chips, and bark | Coarse texture, varied color | Plant materials applied to soil surface | Variable nutrient content, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-150, Na: 10-50, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 20-50 | 6-8 |
Wood Chips | Chipped wood from trees and shrubs | Coarse, fibrous, slow to decompose | Mechanical processing of woody materials | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-150, Na: 10-30, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 20-50 | 6-7 |
Sawdust | Fine wood particles from sawing processes | Light, fluffy, variable decomposition rate | Woodworking and milling byproduct | N: 0.1-0.3%, P: 0.01-0.02%, K: 0.1-0.2% | Fe: 20-50, Na: 5-20, Cu: 0.5-1.5, Se: <0.1, Si: 10-30 | 6-7 |
Crop Residue | Leftover plant material from harvesting | Fibrous, varied texture, nutrient-rich | Harvesting and agricultural processes | N: 0.5-1.5%, P: 0.1-0.3%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 100-300, Na: 30-70, Cu: 2-5, Se: 0.1-0.3, Si: 50-100 | 6-7 |
Mushroom Compost | Spent substrate from mushroom farming | Dark, crumbly, nutrient-rich | Mushroom cultivation waste | N: 1-2%, P: 0.3-0.5%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 500-1000, Na: 100-200, Cu: 5-10, Se: 0.1-0.3, Si: 100-200 | 6-8 |
Seaweed | Marine algae | Moist, fibrous, high in micronutrients | Harvested from coastal areas | N: 0.5-1.5%, P: 0.1-0.3%, K: 1-3%, Mg: 1-3%, Ca: 1-2% | Fe: 100-500, Na: 3000-10000, Cu: 1-5, Se: 0.1-0.5, Si: 50-150 | 6-8 |
Fish Emulsion | Processed fish parts and oil | Liquid, nutrient-rich, strong odor | Byproduct of fish processing | N: 5-9%, P: 1-2%, K: 0.2-0.5% | Fe: 200-500, Na: 500-1000, Cu: 10-30, Se: 1-2, Si: 50-100 | 5-7 |
Bat Guano | Accumulated bat feces | Granular, nutrient-rich, high in nitrogen | Cave deposits from bat colonies | N: 5-10%, P: 3-8%, K: 1-3% | Fe: 200-600, Na: 100-300, Cu: 10-20, Se: 1-3, Si: 50-100 | 6-8 |
Coconut Coir | Fibers from coconut husks | Lightweight, fibrous, good water retention | Byproduct of coconut processing | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-100, Na: 100-300, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 20-50 | 5-7 |
Rice Hulls | Outer coverings of rice grains | Lightweight, fibrous, silica-rich | Byproduct of rice processing | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-100, Na: 20-50, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 1000-2000 | 6-7 |
Alfalfa Meal | Ground alfalfa plant material | Fine, granular, nutrient-rich | Harvested and processed alfalfa plants | N: 2-5%, P: 0.5-1%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 200-500, Na: 50-100, Cu: 5-10, Se: 0.5-1, Si: 50-100 | 6-7 |
Sheep Manure | Sheep excreta and bedding materials | Fine, less odoriferous than other manures | Animal metabolism | N: 1-2%, P: 0.3-0.6%, K: 0.5-1% | Fe: 500-1000, Na: 200-500, Cu: 10-20, Se: 0.5-1, Si: 100-200 | 7-8 |
Poultry Litter | Chicken and turkey manure with bedding materials | High nitrogen content, variable texture | Poultry farming waste | N: 3-4%, P: 1-2%, K: 2-3% | Fe: 1000-2000, Na: 500-1000, Cu: 20-40, Se: 1-3, Si: 200-300 | 6-8 |
Blood Meal | Dried, powdered blood from slaughterhouses | High nitrogen content, fast-acting | Byproduct of meat processing | N: 12-15%, P: 0.5-1%, K: 0.3-0.5% | Fe: 1000-3000, Na: 200-500, Cu: 50-100, Se: 2-5, Si: 50-100 | 6-7 |
Kelp Meal | Dried and ground kelp | High in trace minerals, fine texture | Harvested from oceanic environments | N: 1-2%, P: 0.1-0.2%, K: 2-3%, Ca: 1-2%, Mg: 1-2% | Fe: 200-600, Na: 2000-5000, Cu: 5-10, Se: 0.5-2, Si: 50-100 | 6-8 |
Palm Fiber | Fibers from the outer husk of palm fruits | Coarse, fibrous, good drainage properties | Byproduct of palm oil processing | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-100, Na: 50-100, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 20-50 | 6-7 |
Hair | Human or animal hair clippings | Slow-release nitrogen, fine strands | Barber shops and pet grooming waste | N: 12-15%, P: 0.1-0.2%, K: 0.1-0.2% | Fe: 50-100, Na: 20-50, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 10-30 | 6-7 |
Paper Mulch | Shredded or layered paper products | Lightweight, biodegradable, moisture-retentive | Recycled paper waste | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 20-50, Na: 10-30, Cu: 0.5-1.5, Se: <0.1, Si: 10-30 | 6-8 |
Worm Castings | Excreta from earthworms | Fine, crumbly, nutrient-rich | Worm farming and vermicomposting | N: 1-2%, P: 1-2%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 1000-2000, Na: 100-300, Cu: 10-20, Se: 0.5-1, Si: 100-200 | 6-8 |
Insect Frass | Insect excreta, dead insect material, eggs, and bedding material | Fibrous, varied texture, nutrient-rich with high levels of chitin | Insect farming waste | N: 2-4%, P: 1-2%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 500-1000, Na: 100-300, Cu: 10-20, Se: 1-2, Si: 100-200 | 6-8 |
Bark Mulch | Shredded or chipped tree bark | Coarse texture, slow decomposition | Timber processing waste | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-150, Na: 20-50, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 20-50 | 5-6 |
Pine Needles | Fallen pine leaves | Acidic, fibrous, slow decomposition | Coniferous forest floor material | Low in nutrients, mainly a soil conditioner | Fe: 50-100, Na: 20-50, Cu: 1-3, Se: <0.1, Si: 20-50 | 3.5-4.5 |
Duckweed | Floating aquatic plant | High protein content, fast-growing | Cultivated or wild-harvested from water bodies | N: 4-6%, P: 1-2%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 200-600, Na: 100-300, Cu: 5-10, Se: 0.5-1, Si: 50-100 | 6-7 |
Soybean Meal | Ground soybean cake after oil extraction | Granular, high nitrogen content | Byproduct of soybean processing | N: 7-8%, P: 0.5-1%, K: 1-2% | Fe: 200-500, Na: 50-100, Cu: 5-10, Se: 0.5-1, Si: 50-100 | 6-7 |
Benefits of Organic Matter in Soil
Nutrient Recycling: Organic matter serves as a reservoir of essential nutrients. As the Microbes and Fungi decompose the material, it releases plant available forms of: nitrogen; phosphorus; potassium; and all other required micronutrients thereby replenishing soil fertility.
Soil Structure Improvement: Organic matter enhances soil aggregation, porosity, and water infiltration, promoting root growth, and providing a favorable environment for soil organisms.
Water Retention: Organic matter improves soil water-holding capacity, reducing water runoff, erosion, and drought stress on plants.
Microbial Activity: Organic matter stimulates microbial biomass and activity, supporting nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and plant growth promotion.
Negatives of Organic Matter in Soil
Nitrogen Tie-Up: Fresh organic matter can temporarily immobilize soil nitrogen as soil microbes decompose organic residues, potentially leading to nitrogen deficiency in plants.
Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Decomposition of organic matter releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
Disease Potential: Certain types of organic matter, such as raw manure or diseased plant residues, may harbor pathogens and pests that can spread to crops.
Optimum Level of Organic Matter in Soil
The optimum level of organic matter in soil varies depending on factors such as soil type, climate, land use, and management practices. Generally though, soils with 3-5% organic matter content are considered fertile for supporting healthy plant growth and soil ecosystem function. Most soils are approximately 2% organic matter whereas some soils such as Chernozem can even have 17% organic matter.
Benefits of Adding Organic Matter to Soil
Incorporating organic matter into soil through practices such as cover cropping, mulching, composting, and green manuring can provide numerous benefits including:
Enhancing soil fertility and nutrient availability
Improving soil structure and water retention
Promoting beneficial soil microbial communities
Mitigating soil erosion and compaction
Supporting sustainable agriculture and ecosystem resilience
Dangers of Using Organic Matter and Appropriate PPE
Handling organic matter, particularly fresh manure or compost, can pose health risks due to exposure to pathogens, allergens, and bioaerosols. Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, masks, and protective clothing, should be worn when handling organic matter to minimize health hazards and ensure safety.
Sustainability of Using Organic Matter
The sustainable use of organic matter in agriculture relies on responsible management practices that balance soil health, environmental stewardship, and agricultural productivity. By integrating organic matter management strategies into farming systems, such as conservation tillage, crop rotation, and agroforestry, farmers can enhance soil fertility, mitigate climate change, and promote food security in a sustainable manner.
Organic matter, the lifeblood of fertile soils, embodies the timeless wisdom of nature's cycles and rhythms. What initially appears to be the simple decomposition of plant and animal residues proves to have a profound impact on soil fertility and ecosystem health. Controlling Organic matter levels remains as the cornerstone of sustainable agriculture. Let us honor the nurturing embrace of organic matter and cultivate a future where soil fertility flourishes in harmony with the natural world.
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