TerraSoil Mineral Max - Plant Bio stimulant - Soil Recharge Kit
Introducing TerraSoil Mineral Max, a premium blend of natural minerals, Biochar, and an organic mix designed to create a nutrient-rich substrate when combined with compost or our Substrate Blend. This unique formula is crafted to provide a long-term source of essential micro and macro nutrients, ensuring your plants can flourish.
The balanced nutrient content ensures your plants have access to all the necessary nutrients for optimal growth. By incorporating our Mineral Max blend with beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, you'll unlock maximum benefits for your garden, resulting in healthier, stronger, and more resilient plants. Ideal for organic gardening, container gardening, and sustainable agriculture, TerraSoil Mineral Max is your go-to solution for vibrant plant growth.
Recharging Depleted Soils: A How-To Guide
Reviving tired soil is a rewarding process that requires thoughtful care and the right resources. To recharge your soil using TerraSoil Mineral Max, consider the following steps:
With Compost and Peat:
Mixing : Blend TerraSoil Mineral Max thoroughly with high-quality compost and peat moss to create a nutrient-dense mixture that will replenish depleted soils.
Application : Directly apply the mixture to your garden beds, ensuring even distribution to provide an optimal growing environment for your plants.
Using as a Dry Topper:
Application : Sprinkle a layer of TerraSoil Mineral Max on top of the soil surface.
Watering In : Gently water the dry topper to allow the nutrients to percolate into the soil, kickstarting the revitalization process for your plants.
Enhance your gardening experience with our eco-friendly, chemical-free, and nutrient-dense soil amendment. Perfect for vegetables, flowers, herbs, and more, our blend supports robust root development and vigorous plant health. Choose TerraSoil Mineral Max for superior plant performance and thriving gardens.
Application Rates / How to Use
Top dressing: 100g/plant
Substrate / Potting Mix: 4-8g/L
Farmer: 1-2 tonnes per hectare
Granite, Basalt, Gypsum, Rock Phosphate, BioChar, Bentonite, Dolomite, Seaweed, Bat Guano, Insect Frass
Chemical Analysis
Typical Composition
SiO2: 48%; TiO2: 0.5%; Al2O3: 10%; Fe2O3: 4.5%; CaO: 9%; MgO: 3%; K2O: 2.5%; P2O5: 1.8%; SO3: 3.5%; Na2O: 2.5%
Keep dry in sealed container. Keep away from Children.
Safety Caution
We advise to wear a Dust Mask and Gloves When Handling this product - Contains Silica Dust and May contain Fungal Spores/ Bacteria span>